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8 Ways Y'all Could Be Making Your Cold Worse

Whether it'due south the common cold or the flu that ails you, you have to accept proper care of yourself.

Don't Make These Mistakes

mistakes that worsen cold

Here we go over again: You woke up this morning, and that cold you lot felt coming on is at present in full blossom. Your head hurts. Your throat feels sore, and you have a cough. With more than 200 different types of viruses responsible for the common common cold, you're probable to get sick a few times a year or more than, according to the National Institutes of Wellness. As an adult, you're likely to have two or iii colds a yr, and kids grab eight or more colds a year on average. If y'all treat information technology properly, your common cold is likely to last a calendar week or two. Simply if you don't, information technology could lag on longer. Here are some mutual mistakes that prolong common cold and flu misery.

Pretending Y'all Aren't Sick

pretending you aren't sick

It'due south easy to desire to ignore a common cold — subsequently all, y'all have more important things to practice than sit abode and treat it. "The near mutual fault people make is to not slow downwardly and take care of themselves when they take a cold," says Neelam Taneja-Uppal, MD, an infectious affliction specialist in New York Metropolis. If you run yourself ragged when you're not feeling well, even if you only have a mutual common cold, you lot'll make it worse and it will take longer for y'all to recover.

Spreading Your Germs Around

spreading germs

It usually takes two to three days from the time y'all're exposed to the cold virus before you lot actually start to experience sick, simply it could have as long as a week. You may experience fine, merely you lot could besides take a cold brewing. That's why it's so important to make a conscious endeavour to contain your germs once y'all feel ill. To keep a contagious cold from spreading, always cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze, and launder your hands frequently. Otherwise, your common cold can spread around the firm or office and boomerang dorsum to you, leaving you feeling like yous tin can't recover.

Taking Antibiotics for a Common Cold

taking antibiotics for cold

If yous have a bacterial infection, you lot probable need antibiotics to treat information technology. Viruses, on the other paw, don't reply to antibiotics — and if you take them when y'all don't need them, you tin can build upward a resistance. That means that the next fourth dimension you have an infection and need an antibody, it might non piece of work as well as it should. Bottom line: If it'due south the common cold, don't effort to zap information technology with antibiotics. Simply stick with over-the-counter cold treatment.

Neglecting to Stay Well Hydrated

not drinking enough water makes cold worse

When you have a cold, yous may not feel like eating or drinking. It'southward important, though, to drink plenty of fluids. Grandma's remedy, chicken soup, isn't just sociology — information technology really helps! Your mucous membranes are better at trapping and disposing of the virus that has invaded your nasal cavities when they are moist. "By drinking fluids, you lot're also flushing out the toxins and bad stuff that's invading your body," Dr. Taneja-Uppal says.

Ignoring How Tired You Feel

ignoring fatigue worsens cold

You really do need actress sleep when y'all're not feeling well because of a common cold or the flu, Taneja-Uppal says. That's especially true if you're running a low-grade fever, which can happen with colds, or the higher fever that accompanies the flu. Sleep helps your body fight the infection that'south causing yous to experience ill. It may seem like a cliché to remind yourself to get plenty of residual, but y'all have to do so if y'all want to bounce back quickly and help your handling do its job.

Lighting Upward

smoking worsens cold

Smoking will make your cold symptoms, particularly your cough, worse. "When you fume, you're irritating and damaging your lungs," Taneja-Uppal says. When you lot have a cold, your lungs are already irritated. So smoking while yous have a common cold will only worsen that irritation. Y'all should as well stay abroad from others who fume as well. Secondhand smoke can be as irritating as smoking itself when you have a common cold, Taneja-Uppal says.

Feeling Overly Stressed

stress worsens cold

Stress can bear upon your immune system, forcing it to work harder, Taneja-Uppal says. During common cold and influenza season, you need your immune arrangement to help y'all return to good health when y'all go ill. The more stressed you are, the longer a mutual common cold tin terminal. Learn to relax, have deep breaths, and practice other calming techniques.

Relying As well Much on Common cold Treatments

relying too much on cold treatments

Some over-the-counter cold treatments can brand you feel better. For instance, nasal decongestant sprays or drops can aid treat the stuffy nose of the mutual cold. But if you overdo them, cold treatments tin actually have the contrary consequence, making your cold symptoms worse. In fact, if you use a decongestant in spray or drop form for more iii to four days in a row, your nasal membranes will slap-up fifty-fifty more than. Never use more than the dose recommended on the package label, and consult your doctor if you take whatever questions.
